Starting the Director

  1. If this is the first time you have started the Director, please refer to Start Director
  2. Log in using an Artist or Live license
  3. Check to make sure you are in PRODUCTION view (you can see from the drop-down in the top left-hand corner) 

Learn more about the different views in Director: 1.5 | Adjusting levels from Director.

Creating a project

  • Go to the "Launch" page
  • Click "Create new project"
  • Name your project
    • Only alphanumeric characters are allowed, and it is recommended that the name be no longer than 20 characters (Unreal engine restriction)
  • Set your project location
  • Add it to the project list
  • Set it as the current project

Alternative method of creating a project

From the "File" menu in the Editor

  1. Choose "New Project"
  2. Choose the "Blueprint" tab
  3. Choose a "Blank" project
  4. Choose "Desktop/Console"
  5. Choose "Maximum Quality"
  6. Decide whether or not you want to include the starter content
  7. Make sure the folder path is part of your Pixotope projects folder paths
  8. Choose an appropriate name
  9. Click "Create Project"

Example projects

Check out the following examples:

  • LVL_PixotopeARSample level in the Pixotope Calibration project included in the installer
  • LVL_PixotopeVSSample level in the Pixotope Calibration project included in the installer
  • Advanced example projects on the Pixotope Cloud

Creating your first level

Continue to Prepare levels in the Pixotope Editor.